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  • ENTEL HT649 GMDSS VHF (bara radio)

    kr. 3.500 kr. 2.800 u/mvg

    • GMDSS góðkendur VHF’ur
    • Wheel Mark stemplaður
    • IP68 tættleika
    • 1.3W sendi styrki
    • Løðari og battaríð eru ikki við í pakkanum.

  • Entel HT649 Marine GMDSS VHF radio (komplett)

    kr. 6.425 kr. 5.140 u/mvg

    • GMDSS góðkendur VHF’ur
    • Wheel Mark stemplaður
    • IP68 tættleika
    • 1.3W sendi styrki

  • Lars Thrane LT-3100S Iridium GMDSS System

    kr. 56.125 kr. 44.900 u/mvg

    The LT-3100S GMDSS System is the new solution for GMDSS Distress and Safety communication via satellite. In 2020, Iridium has started its GMDSS services and operation. Being approved by IMO/SOLAS, it will be much more than an alternativ to Inm-C, offering 100% global coverage and built-in Safety Voice

  • Jotron Tron TR30 GMDSS VHF

    kr. 7.740 kr. 6.192 u/mvg

    Jotron’s Tron TR30 GMDSS and Maritime VHF radio is an innovated “two-in-one” radio, which gives the user the opportunity to access both standard GMDSS simplex channels and full maritime duplex channels. In addition, the floating Tron TR30 GMDSS and Maritime VHF radio can be connected to an IP-67 speaker microphone or a headset with a PTT-module.

    The small and compact two-positioning charger is easy to install and allows the user to access vital information on the display while charging. Every detail has been developed based on user functionality, both in an emergency situation (emergency battery) and in general on board communications (rechargeable battery). When connecting the emergency battery, the radio is automatically in preset emergency mode. Only emergency required features are accessible, thus reducing critical radio adjustment time for the user.
    Batteries are located under under Spare parts.

  • Ocean Signal Safesea V100

    kr. 5.700 kr. 4.560 u/mvg

    Hondhildin GMDSS VHF

    IMO A.694 (17); MSC. 149 (77), 21 simplex kanalir, Útgangseffekt 1–2,5 W, Vatntættur (1 m í 30 min), inkl. LiPo uppløðilig battarí og løðisett umframt neyðbattarí

  • SAILOR SP3520 berbar GMDSS VHF

    kr. 8.735 kr. 6.988 u/mvg
    • Handhildin VHF
    • Li-lon uppløðiligt battarí og løðari eru við í pakkanum
    • Lithium battarí, ið líkur GMDSS krøv, er við í pakkanum
  • Sailor 6310 MF/HF 150W DSC

    kr. 98.750 kr. 79.000 u/mvg

    Though designed to meet GMDSS requirements for professional mariners operating a wide variety of vessels Sailor 6310 MF/HF is a rugged, high-end communications system in its own right. It complies with the newest requirement – ITU493-13 – for MF/HF DSC Class A, part of the mandatory requirements for SOLAS vessels and many national GMDSS requirements.

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