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    kr. 6.250 kr. 5.000 u/mvg

    The unique and innovative feature of the Tron AIS-SART is the combination of its physical size and technical capability. The housing of the Tron AIS-SART is identical to Jotron’s radar-SART, type Tron SART20, – that is a total height of 251 mm and a weight of only 450g. Technically, the Tron AIS-SART is based on the following principals; the unit will be programmed from the manufacturer with a unique ID code and receives its position via an internal GPS antenna. This data is combined and transmitted using the international AIS channels (AIS A and AIS B) in the maritime VHF band.

    Tron AIS-SART GMDSS search and rescue transmitter is “Wheel Marked” in accordance with European Council Directive 96/98/EC with latest Commission Directive 2011/75/EU (7th amendment).

    Tron AIS-SART and Tron SART20 can both be used as “search and rescue locating devices” according to IMO SOLAS Amendment in Resolution MSC.256(84) giving the ship owner freedom to choose either product as required by SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 2.2.

  • JOTRON Tron AIS TR-8000 MkII

    kr. 25.570 kr. 20.456 u/mvg

    Tron AIS TR-8000 MkII complete IMO package

    • Complies with new requirements for Bridge Alert Management (IEC 62923-1:201, IEC 62923-2:2018)
    • Complies with the latest AIS  standard (IEC 61993-2:2018)
    • Approved for inland waterway installations
    • FCC, MED and MER compliant and approved by ANATEL
    • 7’’ high-resolution touch screen, IP54
    • Dual display
    • External interface cables are connected inside transponder unit
    • Simple installation and easy retrofit
  • JOTRON Tron 60S Manual EPIRB

    kr. 6.895 kr. 5.516 u/mvg

    Tron 60S with float-free bracket has a small and compact handheld size. Tron 60S is totally sealed, has 5 years warranty and is designed to meet IMO SOLAS requirements. With Tron 60S, along with the existing Tron 40S MKII, Jotron meets all segments of sailing vessels, from commercial vessels, fishing vessel and recreational boaters. Tron 60S with float-free bracket is a Category 1 EPIRB (Cat. I)

  • JOTRON Tron 60S Float free EPIRB

    kr. 7.285 kr. 5.828 u/mvg

    Tron 60S with float free bracket has a small and compact handheld size. Tron 60S is totally sealed, has 5 years warranty and is designed to meet IMO SOLAS requirements. With Tron 60S, along with the existing Tron 40S MKII, Jotron meets all segments of sailing vessels, from commercial vessels, fishing vessel and recreational boaters.

    Tron 60S with float free bracket is a Category 1 EPIRB (Cat. I)

  • JOTRON Tron 60GPS Manual EPIRB

    kr. 7.285 kr. 5.828 u/mvg

    Tron 60GPS with manual bracket has a small and compact handheld size. Tron 60GPS is totally sealed, has 5 years warranty and is designed to meet IMO SOLAS requirements. With Tron 60GPS, along with the existing Tron 40S MKII, Jotron meets all segments of sailing vessels, from commercial vessels, fishing vessel and recreational boaters.

    Tron 60GPS with manual bracket is a Category 2 EPIRB (Cat. II).

  • JOTRON Tron 60GPS Float free EPIRB

    kr. 8.745 kr. 6.996 u/mvg

    Tron 60GPS with float-free bracket has a small and compact handheld size. Tron 60GPS is totally sealed, has 5 year warranty and is designed to meet IMO SOLAS requirements. With Tron 60GPS, along with the existing Tron 40S MKII, Jotron meets all segments of sailing vessels, from commercial vessels, fishing vessel and recreational boaters.

    Tron 60GPS with float-free bracket is a Category 1 EPIRB (Cat. I).

  • Jotron Tron TR30 AIR Emergency VHF AM radio

    kr. 11.800 kr. 9.440 u/mvg

    Tron TR30 AIR Emergency VHF AM radio is the only approved emergency VHF AM radio in compliance with SOLAS 74 reg. IV / 7 MSC 80 (70).

    Required by:

    • SOLAS passenger vessels
    • Part of the MODU fleet (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)
    • Polar Coded vessels


    • User-friendly design
    • Optimized sound quality under all conditions – transmission as well as reception
    • Water-proof and floating with either battery (IP67)
    • FCC, RED, CE, ANATEL, MED-B and MER certified


  • Jotron Tron TR30 GMDSS VHF

    kr. 7.740 kr. 6.192 u/mvg

    Jotron’s Tron TR30 GMDSS and Maritime VHF radio is an innovated “two-in-one” radio, which gives the user the opportunity to access both standard GMDSS simplex channels and full maritime duplex channels. In addition, the floating Tron TR30 GMDSS and Maritime VHF radio can be connected to an IP-67 speaker microphone or a headset with a PTT-module.

    The small and compact two-positioning charger is easy to install and allows the user to access vital information on the display while charging. Every detail has been developed based on user functionality, both in an emergency situation (emergency battery) and in general on board communications (rechargeable battery). When connecting the emergency battery, the radio is automatically in preset emergency mode. Only emergency required features are accessible, thus reducing critical radio adjustment time for the user.
    Batteries are located under under Spare parts.

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