JOTRON Tron 60AIS Float Free EPIRB

kr. 9.000 kr. 7.200 u/mvg

24th June 2022 – End of Life: Jotron hereby informs that the Tron 60S will no longer be commercially available.
Replacement: Jotron will continue the production of Tron 60GPS (83330 and 83340), which carries all valid certificates and is an excellent replacement for the Tron 60S. See also our newly released Tron 60AIS.

Tron 60S with manual bracket has a small and compact handheld size. Tron 60S is totally sealed, has 5 years warranty and is designed to meet IMO SOLAS requirements. With Tron 60S, along with the existing Tron 40S MKII, Jotron meets all segments of sailing vessels, from commercial vessels, fishing vessel and recreational boaters. Tron 60S with manual bracket is a Category 2 EPIRB (Cat. II).

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